Try a Pet-friendly, No Mow Lawn Substitute
Tried of mowing, fertilizing, dethatching, and weeding your lawn? Time to try a low-maintenance, drought tolerant lawn substitute--Ruschia 'Nana.'

Ruschia 'Nana' is an evergreen succulent that forms a dense mat that remains short, growing approximately 2" or less in height and 12" wide. This plant has thin reddish purple stems and chunky narrow succulent leaves. It flowers Spring through Summer producing tiny pinkish blooms. It is hardy from 20 - 120 degrees. It is also fire-resistant.
Once established, needs limited water. No need to mow, just edge it every once in a while to keep it contained. It is super hardy and soft on the feet. You can walk or run on it, kids can play, and pets won't hurt it.
It forms a very dense mat structure that gives a carpet-like appearance. The is structure helps prevent weeds from germinating.
How to plant
Start with well prepared soil. Now is a good time to amend the soil. With clay soil, you may want to aerate it a bit. With sandy soil, add some compost to help the plant get started. if you have Bermuda grass or other plant that spreads underground--very important to remove all of this otherwise it will grow up in the middle of your new Ruschia patch.
Start with a pre-emergent that prevents existing weeds from germinating. This will help with weed suppression while the Ruschia is getting started. You will plant Ruschia 6" apart. It normally comes in flats which cover 12-15 sq. ft. No need to mulch the new plants, but you will need to water during the establishing period. Be sure to keep the area moist until the mat has formed.
it is a good idea to use a balanced fertilizer in the Fall to help the plant stay vibrant. Otherwise, plant and enjoy!